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In 2024, Should You Rent or Buy Your Home?

In 2024, Should You Rent or Buy Your Home?

June 13, 2024
Should I rent or buy my home? On this episode, we’ll dive into several studies and look at your...
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A Merry May on the Heels of an Awful April. The Merits of Staying Measured.

June 7, 2024
“It’s the economy, stupid!” —Slogan coined by James Carville, well-known campaign strategist, and former President Bill Clinton during...
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Good News on a Tough Choice: Saving for Retirement vs. Repaying Student Loans

June 6, 2024
Young, college-educated professionals often face a financial dilemma: They’d like to contribute as much as possible to their employer-sponsored...
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Midyear Update: Worker Productivity and Labor Force Expansion

June 3, 2024
With this month’s commentary, I return to the economy. Growth is continuing, but the growth rate is slowing. The...
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Long-Term Capital Gains Tax Strategies

May 31, 2024
When you meet with your advisor and tax professional to review your wealth plan, consider discussing whether to put...
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Three Strategies for Tax-Efficient Investing

May 30, 2024
Developing and managing a comprehensive, adaptable investment strategy is challenging enough on its own. When you factor in the...
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Year-Round Tax Planning

Year-Round Tax Planning

May 16, 2024
Tax season may be over, but that doesn’t mean we’re done with tax planning. Jennifer Kohlbacher , director of...
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Private Credit Markets – A Growing Force

May 6, 2024
In the 1980s Michael Milken and Drexel Burnham effectively created a new debt market: the “high-yield” market was born....
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An April Air Pocket – No Fun, But Normal and Perhaps Even Healthy

May 6, 2024
“ Some things are believed because they are demonstrably true. But many other things are believed simply because they...
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Executive Compensation: How to Get the Best Package for You

May 2, 2024
Are you being paid what you’re worth? If you’re a top executive, it might not be easy to tell....
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Should You Take Social Security Early and Invest Your Checks?

May 2, 2024
What’s the best way to maximize your Social Security benefit? While the answer may vary based on your needs,...
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Estate Planning in a Digital World

May 2, 2024
When you meet with an estate planning attorney, you may be focused on creating or updating traditional documents like...
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